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Impasto per pizza - Pizza dough |
Risultato? 3 giorni completamente internet free.
E capisci quanto la nostra vita sia diventata internet dipendente.
Che temperatura fa?... Ah, no, non abbiamo rete.
Chi ha composto la colonna sonora di questo film? Guarda un po' su intern... Ah, no, non abbiamo rete.
Devo controllare la mail... Ah, no, non abbiamo rete.
Devo fare il pane, com'era quella ricetta? Me la puoi cercar... Ah no, non abbiamo rete.
A pensarci bene, questa cosa fa venire i brividi.
Non sappiamo più vivere senza la tecnologia.
Fortuna che io, ogni tanto, segno le ricette su un block-notes... Sono proprio all'antica! :D
La settimana scorsa avevamo invitato degli amici a cena a mangiare pizza e, dovendo preparare più impasto del solito, ho fatto i conti su carta.
Cara vecchia carta... e cara vecchia penna! :D
Inizialmente avevo intenzione di preparare il pane ma visto che non mi ricordavo la ricetta, mi son detta "Ho tutti gli ingredienti, perché non prepariamo direttamente la pizza?"
E pizza fu!
Impasto per pizza
300g di farina per pizza
170g di acqua
12,5g di lievito fresco (1/2 cubetto)
20g di olio
10g di sale aromatizzato (potete trovare qui la ricetta)
(si può sostituire con 5g di sale e 5g di zucchero)
300g di farina per pizza
170g di acqua
12,5g di lievito fresco (1/2 cubetto)
20g di olio
10g di sale aromatizzato (potete trovare qui la ricetta)
(si può sostituire con 5g di sale e 5g di zucchero)
After 3 days spent far from any XXI century thechnologies, this morning the field engineer from the telephone company informed us that some kind colleague of his from the Service Provider arbitrarily disconnected us...
The result? 3 whole days internet-free.
That is the moment you realise how much our life depends on the Internet.
What is the temperature today?... Oh, no,we are not connected.
Who wrote the soundtrack of this film? Look on the we... Oops, we are not connected.
I need to check my e-mail... Nope, we are not connected.
I need to bake some bread, what was that recipe like? Could you please look for it on the we... Damn, we are not connected.
If I think about it, it really gives me the shivers...
We aren't able to live without modern technologies anymore.
Luckily, I'm still writing recipes on a memo book... I'm really old-fashioned! :D
Last week, we had invited some friends to eat pizza so I prepared more than usual. I had to adjust the quantities and I was lucky to have my memo book... Dear old paper... and dear old pen! :D
At the beginning I wanted to bake some bread, but I couldn't remember the recipe, so I said to myself "I have all the ingredients, why not prepare some pizza instead?"
And there was pizza!
The result? 3 whole days internet-free.
That is the moment you realise how much our life depends on the Internet.
What is the temperature today?... Oh, no,we are not connected.
Who wrote the soundtrack of this film? Look on the we... Oops, we are not connected.
I need to check my e-mail... Nope, we are not connected.
I need to bake some bread, what was that recipe like? Could you please look for it on the we... Damn, we are not connected.
If I think about it, it really gives me the shivers...
We aren't able to live without modern technologies anymore.
Luckily, I'm still writing recipes on a memo book... I'm really old-fashioned! :D
Last week, we had invited some friends to eat pizza so I prepared more than usual. I had to adjust the quantities and I was lucky to have my memo book... Dear old paper... and dear old pen! :D
At the beginning I wanted to bake some bread, but I couldn't remember the recipe, so I said to myself "I have all the ingredients, why not prepare some pizza instead?"
And there was pizza!
Pizza dough
300g strong white bread flour
170g water
12,5g fresh yeast( it can be replaced by 3,5g of dry yeast)
20g extra-virgin olive oil
10g flavored balanced salt (you can find here the recipe)
(it can be replaced by 5g salt and 5g sugar)
300g strong white bread flour
170g water
12,5g fresh yeast( it can be replaced by 3,5g of dry yeast)
20g extra-virgin olive oil
10g flavored balanced salt (you can find here the recipe)
(it can be replaced by 5g salt and 5g sugar)
In una ciotola abbastanza capiente mettiamo la farina,
Put the flour in a big bowl,
l'acqua, l'olio, il lievito e il sale, che non deve entrare in contatto con il lievito.
add water, extra-virgin olive oil, yeast and salt (remember, the salt should be separated from the yeast).
Mescoliamo con le mani il tutto, finché non diventa un composto abbastanza compatto.
Combine all the ingridients to a rough dough.
Spostiamo l'impasto su una spianatoia infarinata e lavoriamolo finché non si attacca più alle mani e diventa liscio.
Lay your dough on a wooden, flour-dusted surface and knead it until it is smooth, springy and not sticky.
Mettiamolo di nuovo nella ciotola, facciamo una croce sulla sommità e lasciamo lievitare per 3 o 4 ore coperto da uno strofinaccio.
Put the dough back into the bowl, cut a cross in the top of it and let rise for 3 or 4 hours covered with a towel.
Dopo un paio d'ore si presenta così.
After a couple of hours the dough should be like this.
Quando l'impasto è più che raddoppiato (più o meno 4 ore),
When the dough has more than doubled its size (give or take 4 hours),
trasferiamo l'impasto su una teglia da forno, precedentemente ricoperta di carta forno, oliamo la carta e le mani e stendiamolo.
transfer the dough in a baking pan, lined with parchment paper, grease the paper and our hands with some olive oil and roll out the dough.
A questo punto possiamo sbizzarrirci con il condimento: dalla semplice margherita, alla stracchino e rucola, patate e salsiccia, zucchine e bacon e chi più ne ha più ne metta... non ci sono limiti alla fantasia! :D
Now it's time to have some fun with pizza toppings: a simple margherita, a stracchino and arugula, a potatoes and sausage, a courgette and bacon or whatever we want... let's our imagination run wild! :D
Bon Appétit!!
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